SGCH Cedar View Gabriella 4*M
5/21/2012 - 5/5/2018
4/29/2015 LA VVEE 89 (highest score possible for 1st freshener)
7/25/2016 LA EVEE 90
Gabriella was the AOP Reserve Grand Senior Doe and 2nd best udder at the 2016 NAILE in Louisville, KY. She was also part of the first place Dairy Herd, Best Three Senior Does, and Get of Sire at this show.
Gabriella was a 2015 ADGA Elite doe (99th percentile) as a first freshener. (First Freshening Date: 8/4/2014)
2016 ADGA Elite Doe (99th percentile)
2017 ADGA Elite Doe (97th percentile)
2016 and 2017 ANDDA Platinum JUJU Award and ANDDA Total Performer
2016 ADGA Top 10 Breed Leader in Protein Production
Sire: Little Tots Estate Bambino ++*B
Sire's Sire: GCH/MCH/PGCH AGS Buffalo Clover Valentino ++B
Sire's Dam: GCH AGS Little Tot's Estate Bambusa 1*
Dam: SG Cori's Fancy Delmina 3*M
Dam's Sire: Buttin' Heads Nickelodeon
Dam's Dam: SGCH Cori's Fancy Dinah Belle 2*M
Udder photo made 5/30/2015 when Delmina (left) and Gabriella (right) won the Dam & Daughter class against all breeds in Monroe, GA. This was Gabriela's first freshening and she had been in milk for almost 10 months.
Reserve Champion Senior doe at the South Carolina State Fair 10/19/2104 as a First Freshener.
Grand Champion Senior doe and Best of Breed at the 2015 GA National Fair
Grand Champion Senior Doe , Best of Breed, and Best Udder at the 2015 South Carolina State Fair.
Grand Champion Senior Doe at the McCracken Co. Fair, Paducha, KY 6/25/2016. (ring 2) Reserve Grand in Ring 1 and now a finished champion.
First Freshener udder
Best Udder at the Tennessee Valley Fair 9/19,2015
Reserve Champion Senior Doe at the SMDGA Show5/23/15