Livestock Guardian Dogs
Lady (Anatolian/Great Pyrenees) in front and Martha (Great Pyrenees) and daughter of Lilly and Koy
Chloe as a two year old and contemplating future motherhood. That is Martha’s puppy behind the panel
This is Chloe coming in for a closeup.
This is Teebo (Son of Lilly and Olaf) on 4/7/22.
In January 2019 Gus (on the left) was still bigger than his son, Samson (on the right), but Samson (1/4 Anatolian out of Sheba) has now passed his Dad in height and weight. Both are stately dogs.
Little Man at five months old. (Born to Martha and Gus on 2/14/2022)
Mr. Big at five months old. (born 2/14/2022 to Martha and Gus)
Hoss (the keeper out of Chloe’s 2/14/22 litter) at five months old
Lilly and Koy, purchased as puppies in 2011, were our first Pyrenees and these are the first pups born in Feb. 2013, Martha and George.
Remembering those who are gone…..
Koy was our wonderful kid sitter who passed away late 2016. (2011-2016)
Van Gogh passed away in 2018.
George (Martha's brother) disappeared from the farm in May 2019.
Sheba passed away in August 2020
Olaf - RIP 2014-2022
Olaf meeting Waggles when Olaf came to live with us on 3/15/2015 as a year old pup.
Scrappy Doo
11/21/2017 - 12/25/2018
Scrappy Doo was one of four and the smallest . Her sibs kept gaining and she did not. Finally after taking her in the house we found she couldn’t suck without choking, because she had a wood shaving hung in her throat. She coughed it up finally after a bad coughing spell.
Dec. 2017 with Scrappy Doo
Scrappy Doo earned a special place in our hearts. She had to be bottle raised in the house for a couple of months.
Eventually she moved back to the barn and was reunited with her mother Sheba.
And she grew and was great pals with Phoebe. I wish I had made more pictures of her. She was a beautiful 100 pound one year old puppy when she died on Christmas Day 2018. You will always be in my heart Scrappy Doo.