SGCH Cedar View Fortunata 3*M
04/29/2012 - 04/25/2017
2013 LA VVVV 86 (As A First Freshener)
2016 LA EEEE 90
2015 and 2016 ADGA Elite Doe and #5 of the 2015 ADGA Breedleader Top Ten List and #7 on the 2016 ADGA Breed Leader List in Milk, Butterfat and Protein Production
2014 ANDDA Gold JUJU Award for milk production
2015 ANDDA Platinum JUJU Award for milk Production
2016 ANDDA Platinum JUJU Award for milk Production and ANDDA Total Performer
Fortunata died after her 2017 kidding. Her son Cedar View Wyatt *B survived.
Udder photo made 8/3/2014
Sire: Little Tots Estate Bambino +*B
Sire's Sire: GCH/MCH/PGCH AGS Buffalo Clover Valentino ++B
Sire's Dam: GCH AGS Little Tot's Estate Bambusa 1*M
Dam: SGCH Cori's Fancy Dinah Belle 2*M
Dam's Sire: Little Tots Estate Incana
Dam's Dam: AGS Maple Tree Knoll Dixie Belle 1*M
Fortunata as a second freshener in August 2014
First place yearling milker at the TVA&I Fair Sept. 2013
Fortunata was awarded Superior Genetics as a first freshener in 2013
9th place 2 year old milker at the 2014 ADGA National Show
Senior Grand Champion doe, best udder, and Best of Breed at the TN State Fair 9/6/14.
Reserve Champion Senior doe in both rings at the MS State Fair 10/11 and 10/12/14
Senior Grand Champion doe and Best of Breed in ring one at the McKracken Co. Fair in Paducah, KY June 27, 2015 (second leg)
Senior Grand Champion at Williamson Co. Fair, TN, August 9, 2015 (third leg)