SGCH Cedar View Beyonce 3*M - reference
Born 1/24/2013 Died 2/27/2022
2015 LA EVE+ 88 (first freshener)
2016 LA VEEE 90
July 2019 LA EEEV 90 - permanent score
2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018 ANDDA Silver JUJU Award for Milk Production
2019 ANDDA PLatinum Award (292 DIM 1008# milk 77 # butterfat 49# protein)
2016, 2018, and 2019 ANDDA Total Performer
2019 Grand Champion Senior doe and Best Udder at NAILE - the North American International Livestock Exposition
Reserve Grand Junior doe in ring 1 at the Lebanon, TN show 5/4/2013.
Grand Champion Junior Doe at the Grinder's Switch Classic June 23, 2013.
Grand Champion Senior Doe at the Smokey Mt. Dairy Goat Association show May 23, 2015 in both rings. She is now a finished champion at her first show as a senior doe.
2nd place in Champion Challenge Class at the TVA&I Fair 9/17/2016
3rd in her class of 3 year old does and 2nd best udder in class at the 2016 NAILE. Also part of the Best 3 Senior Does along with Isabella and Gabriella.
photos made 7/24/2016 prior to milk test
Sire: GCH Cedar View Constantino +*B
Sire's Sire: Little Tots Estate Bambino++*B
(GCH AGS Buffalo Clover Valentino ++B x GCH AGS Little Tot's Estate Bambusa 1*M)
Sire's Dam: SGCH AGS Simple Joys Dory Norris 2*M
(AGS Buttin' Heads OJ Szipson x AGS Maple Tree Knoll Dixie Belle 1*M)
Dam: Double Durango Oreo 2*M
Dam's Sire: AGS Brush Creek SF Talisman
(AGS Caesar's Villa FD Sugar Foot x AGS Caesar's Villa CBS Zelda)
Dam's Dam: AGS Double Durango Panda Chili Dog 1*M
(AGS Little Tot's Estate Nemo x AGS Little Tot's Estate Hershey)