SG Cori's Fancy N Delmina 3*M
6/22/11 - 1/22/2017
Dam of SGCH Cedar View Gabriella 4*M (2015 ADGA Elite doe)
2013 LA VVVV 86
May 2014 LA VVVE 88
May 2015 LA VEEV 88
Sire: Buttin' Heads Nickelodeon
Sire's Sire: Buttin' Heads Chamaeleon
Sire's Dam: GCH Buttin' Heads Black Iredsh Rose 2*M
Dam: SGCH Cori's Fancy Dinah Belle 2*M
Dam's Sire: Little Tots Estate Incana
Dam's Dam: AGS Maple Tree Knoll Dixie Belle 1*M
photo made at the West Virginia State Fair August 2012.
First place and best udder under 2 yr. old senior doe at the NC Mt. State Fair Sept. 10, 2012
First place dam and daughter in all breeds, Delmina and daughter Gabriellaat a Georgia show May 2015.