SG Cedar View Ileana 4*M
Born 4/3/2013
Died 10/7/ 2015
May 2015 LA V+EV 87
(first freshener)
Dam of Cedar View Hacienda
photo made 6/27/2015
Ileana was part of the first place dairy herd at the TN State Fair 2015. (left to right: Grevellia, Ileana, Cassimiracola, and Zabrina.
Sire: SGCH/MCH/PGCH AGS Little Tot's Estate Thalictrum +B
Sire's Sire: GCH AGS Little Tot's Estate Tsuga ++B
( AGS Creek Road Envoy +B x AGS Woodhaven Farms Cowgirl 1*M)
Sire's Dam: AGS Brush Creek Mercy
(AGS Buttin' Heads Cardiologist x AGS Jeanne's Jewel Opal)
Dam: SG Cori's Fancy Donatella 3*M
Dam's Sire: Buttin' Heads Nickelodeon
(Buttin' Heads Chamaeleon x CH Buttin' Heads Black Iredsh Rose)
(Dam's Dam: SGCH Cori's Fancy Dinah Belle 2*M
(Little Tots Estate Incana x AGS Maple Tree Knoll Dixie Belle 1*M)
Reserve Grand Senior Doe at the Monroe, GA show in ring 2 on 5/30/2015
Best Udder of Breed at the Williamson Co. TN Fair 8/9/2015
Reserve Grand Senior Doe in Two Rings at the SC Classic 8/29/2015.
Grand Champion Senior Doe in Ring 1 at Tennessee State Fair 9/12/15 and Reserve Champion Senior Doe in Ring 2
photo made 9/12/2015