SGCH Cori's Fancy Dinah Belle 2*M - reference
Born 6/28/2009 - died 1/19/22
2013 and 2014 ADGA Elite Doe
2013 LA EEEE
2015 LA VVEE 90 (permanent score)
Sire: Little Tots Estate Incana
Sire's Sire: AGS Promisedland CP Zippo
(AGS Caesar's Villa CBS Cowpoke ++B x AGS Caesar's Villa GD Zippy)
Sire's Dam: AGS Brush Creek Mercy
(AGS Buttin' Heads Cardiologist x AGS Jeannes's Jewel Opal)
Dam: AGS Maple Tree Knoll Dixie Bell 1*M
Dam's Sire: AGS Green Gate XFile
(AGS Goodwood X-Ray x AGS MTN Retreat's Serenity)
Dam's Dam: AGS Buttin' Heads Acadzipy Award
(AGS Twin Creeks BW Zip Drive x
AGS Buttin' Heads P'Hapst Blue Ribbon)
Dinah Belle's first show win was as Reserve Champion Senior Doe in two rings (earning a leg standing Reserve to a finished champion) at the 2012 Shelby, NC show
Reserve Champion in Ring 2 at the Crossville, TN show July 22, 2012
Grand Champion Senior Doe at the Tennessee Valley A & I Fair 9/15/2012 (leg #2)
Grand Champion Senior Doe at the Music City Classic in Lebanon, TN 5/4/2013 (leg #3) - now a permanent champion
Best in Breed at the New River Valley Fair in Dublin, VA on July 23, 2013
Best Udder in breed at the Sevier Co. Fair 9/6/13
2nd place in the Champion Challenge Class and Best Udder in breed at the North Carolina State fair 10/27/13
2013 Silver JuJu Award from ANDDA
2015 Platinum JuJu Award and Total Performer from ANDDA
5/4/2013 Music City Classic, Lebanon, TN
Dam of SGCH Cedar View Fortunata 3*M and Cedar View Yadira
Grand Dam of SGCH Cedar View Isabella 4*M and SGCH Cedar View Gabriella 4*M