Cedar View Wynona 2*M - sold
2016 LA VEVV 86
2017 LA VEVV 89
July 2019 LA EEVV 89 - permanent score
2017 lactation: 274 days, 901# milk, 54# butterfat, 41# protein
2017 Silver JuJu Award from ANDDA
photo made 5/14/2017
photo made 7/26/2016
12 hour udder photo made 3/9/2016 - first freshener
Wynona finished her first 305 day lactation with 870# milk, 56# butterfat, and39# protein and a 2016 Silver JuJu Award from ANDDA.
Sire: SGCH/MCH/PGCH AGS Little Tot's Estate Thalictrum +B
Sire's Sire: GCH AGS Little Tot's Estate Tsuga ++*B
(AGS Creek Road Envoy+B x AGS Woodhaven Farms Cowgirl 1*M)
Sire's Dam: AGS Brush Creek Mercy
(AGS Buttin' Heads Cardiologist x AGS Jeanne's Jewel Opal)
Dam: AGS Simple Joys Amazing Grace 1*M
Dam's Sire: AGS Maple Tree Knoll Eric
(AGS Green Gate XFile x AGS Maple Tree Knoll Baby Ruth)
Dam's Dam: AGS Maple Tree Knoll Goldies Heart
(AGS Maple Tree Knoll Blue Sky x AGS Enchanted Hill Shasta Daisy)
Junior Reserve Grand Champion at the Tennessee State Fair 9/7/2014 (ring 2)
Junior Reserve Grand Champion at the SMDGA Show 5/23/2015
Grand Champion Junior at the McKracken Co. Fair in Paducah, KY Jun 28,2015
12 hour udder photos made 5/15/2017 prior to milk test