Cedar View Hacienda 5*M
First lactation: 295 days, 712# milk, 45# butterfat, 36# protein
2017 ANDDA Bronze Award
Born 3/31/2015 - Sold 11/14/2018
08/29/2018 with 12 hour udder
AOP Grand Champion Junior Doe at the November 2016 NAILE (junior photo made at NAILE)
Reserve Grand Junior Doe at the McCracken Co. Fair, Paducah, KY 6/26/2016
Hacienda and daughter, Donatella, on 4/30/2017
Hacienda and daughters 4/30/2017
Sire: CH Cedar View Ceasario *B (Polled)
Sire's Sire: Little Tots Estate Metasequoia +B
(Rosasharn's SS Sequoia *S +B x GCH Little Tots Estate Trillium 1*M)
Sire's Dam: Little Tots Estate Heliathus 2*M
(CH/MCH/PGCHBuffalo Clover Valentino *B x GCH Little Tot's Estate Trillium 1*M)
Dam: SG Cedar View Ileana 4*M
Dam's Sire: CH/MCH/PGCH AGS Little Tot's Estate Thalictrum +B
Dam's Sire's Sire: CH AGS Little Tot's Estate Tsuga ++B
( AGS Creek Road Envoy +B x AGS Woodhaven Farms Cowgirl 1*M)
Dam's Sire's Dam:EAGS Brush Creek Mercy
(AGS Buttin' Heads Cardiologist x AGS Jeanne's Jewel Opal)
Dam's Dam: SG Cori's Fancy Donatella 3*M
Dam's Dam's Sire: Buttin' Heads Nickelodeon
(Buttin' Heads Chamaeleon x CH Buttin' Heads Black Iredsh Rose)
Dam's Dam's Dam: SGCH Cori's Fancy Dinah Belle 2*M
(Little Tots Estate Incana x AGS Maple Tree Knoll Dixie Belle 1*M)
2017 LA +VV+ 84 (first freshener)
Prior to first milk test 4/9/2017
08/29/2018 prior to milk test
08/29/2018 prior to milk test