Cedar View Fiona 2*M - sold
Born 3/19/2014
2015 LA VVV+ 83 (first freshener)
2016 LA VEV+ 86
2017 LA VVV+ 85 (coded stale - late in lactation)
Photo made 7/24/2016
12 hour udder photo 7/24/2016
Sire: SG Cedar View Fabrizio +*B
Sire's Sire: Little Tot's Estate Bambino ++*B
(GCH/MCH/PGCH AGS Buffalo Clover Valentino ++B x GCH AGS Little Tot's Estate Bambusa 1*M)
Sire's Dam: SGCH Cori's Fancy Dinah Belle 2*M
(Little Tots Estate Incana x AGS Maple Tree Knoll Dixie Belle 1*M)
Dam: Little Tot's Estate Zabrina 1*M
Junior photo October 2014
Dam's Sire: Little Tots Estate Acer Rubrum *B
(AGS GCH Woodhaven Farms Cowboy Cadilak +Bx GCH AGS Brush Creek Hallelujiah 1*)
Dam's Dam: Little Tots Estate Zizyphus
(AGS Rosasharn SS Sequoia +B x Rosasharn's Iki)
2016 ANDDA JuJu Bronze Award for Milk Production
Her 2017 lactation with 299 days in milk was 630#, 51# butterfat, and 35# protein. 2017 ANDDA Silver JUJU Award
Reserve Grand Champion Junior Doe at the MS State Fair on 10/12/2014 (a 2 ring show)
Grand Champion Junior Doe at the South Carolina State Fair on 10/18/2014