Cedar View Dahlia 3*M
Born 3/6/2014
2016 LA +EV+ 84
2017 LA VEVE 90
July 2019 LA ++EV 85 - permanent score - not a good day for Dahlia
2017 ANDDA Silver JUJU Award (268 DIM, 939# milk, 66# butterfat, 45# protein)
2018 ANDDA Silver JUJU Award (251 DIM, 834# milk, 54# butterfat, 39# protein)
first freshening photo made 6/18/2016 (little Seraphina sneaked in the shot also)
Udder photo made prior to Dahlia's first milk test April 4th.
Grand Champion Junior Doe at the SC Classic 8/29/2015
Sire: SGCH/MCH/PGCH AGS Little Tot's Estate Thalictrum +B
Sire's Sire: CH AGS Little Tot's Estate Tsuga ++B
(AGS Creek Road Envoy x AGS Woodhaven Farms Cowgirl 1*M)
Sire's Dam: AGS Brush Creek Mercy
(AGS Buttin' Heads Cardiologist x AGS Jeanne's Jewel Opal)
Dam: Double Durango Oreo 2*M
Dam's Sire: AGS Brush Creek SF Talisman
(AGS Caesar's Villa FD Sugar Foot x AGS Caesar's Villa CBS Zelda
Dam's Dam: AGS Double Durango Panda Chili Dog 1*M
(AGS Little Tot's Estate Nemo x AGS Little Tot's Estate Hershey)
2016 ANDDA Bronze JuJu Award for Milk Production
prior to 4/9/2017 milk test
prior to 4/9/2017 milk test (Pardon the sloppy clipping job.)