Cedar View Belladonna 3*M - sold
Born 1/24/13
07/25/2016 LA VEVV 87
4/25/2017 LA VEVE 90
July 2019 LA +EEE 88
2014 ANDDA Bronze Juju Award for milk production
2015 ANDDA Bronze JuJu Award for milk production
2016 ANDDA Bronze JuJu Award for milk production
2017 ANDDA Silver JUJU Award
2018 ANDDA Bronze Award (200 DIM) and 2018 ANDDA Total Performer
Belladonna at the 2014 GA National Show
Sire: GCH Cedar View Constantino +*B
Sire's Sire: Little Tots Estate Bambino ++*B
Belladonna's 12 hour udder photo made prior to the second milking at the May 2016 milk test. She had 7.6# for this test.
(CH AGS Buffalo Clover Valentino x GCH AGS Little Tot's Estate Bambusa 1*M)
Sire's Dam: SGCH AGS Simple Joys Dory Norris 2*M
(AGS Buttin' Heads OJ Szipson xAGS Maple Tree Knoll Dixie Belle 1*M)
Dam: Double Durango Oreo 2*M
Dam's Sire: AGS Brush Creek SF Talisman
(AGS Caesar's Villa. FD Sugar Foot x AGS Caesar's Villa CBS Zelda)
Dam's Dam: AGS Double Durango Panda Chili Dog 1*M
(AGS Little Tot's Estate Nemo x AGS Little Tot's Estate Hershey)
She ended her first freshener milk test at 246 days with 630# milk, 40# butterfat, and 30# protein.
Not appraised in 2014 due to late stage of pregnancy a time of LA.
She was pregnant and therefore dry again for LA in 2015, but we did have her appraised to get some numbers for her. +VE+ 84 - not bad for a doe already moved to the kidding pen and due any day.
Reserve Grand Champion Junior Doe at the Sevier Co. Fair, 9/6/13
11th place Yearling milker at the 2014 ADGA National Show
Grand Champion Senior Doe at the McKracken Co. Fair, Paducah, KY, June 27, 2015
Grand Champion Senior Doe at the SMDGA show 5/21/2016