SG Buttin' Heads Kachamak Bay 1*M
5/2/07 - 2/17/2016
May 2014 LA VEEE 90 (permanent score)
Dam of SG Cedar View Fiorina 2*M (an ADGA Elite doe as a First Freshener)
and Cedar View Urbano (buck)
photo made May 2014
Kachy at the 2014 GA National show
Sire: AGS Buttin' Heads Zip of Champagne
Sire's Sire: AGS Twin Creeks BW Zip Drive
(AGS Twin Creek BH Bay Watch ++B x AGS Goodwood Zippy Mariri)
Sire's Dam: AGS Buttin' Heads Bryedal Veil
(AGS Buttin Heads Swhiz on Rye x AGS Columbus Zoo Godiva)
Dam: CH AGS Buttin' Heads Caribou
Dam's Sire: AGS Brush Creek Carpe Diem
(AGS Willows Creek Larceny x AGS MCH Willows April Morning)
Dam's Dam: AGS Buttin' Heads Mink Stole
(AGS Karim Ole' x AGS Columbus Zoo Godiva)
Dam of SG Cedar View Fiorina 2*M
Kachy has her Junior Grand leg. She has a Best Udder in Breed to her credit also prior to my purchasing her in July 2013.
9th place 7 year and up milker at the 2014 ADGA National Show.
Reserve Grand Champion Senior Doe at the Fentress Co. Fair 8/16/2014
Reserve Grand Champion Senior Doe at the McKracken Co. Fair, Paducah, KY, June 27, 2015 in Ring 1 and 2.
Senior Grand Champion at the Wilson Co. Fair 8/16/2015. (Leg#2)
She ended her 1st 305 day milk test in Oct. 2014 with 970# milk, 56# butterfat, and 36# protein earning a 2014 ANDDA Silver JUJU Award.